What has been the reaction to Binance’s interest in acquiring FTX’s major crypto tokens

Prices of most cryptocurrencies rose sharply on Tuesday following news that Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, had signed a letter of intent to acquire rival FTX, but prices were still mostly lower than on Monday.

Sam Bankman-Fried, CEO and founder of FTX, said on Twitter on Tuesday that the exchange had entered into a strategic deal with Binanda and was conducting due diligence.

Here’s how cryptocurrency prices moved after the announcement, according to CoinDesk:

Bitcoin: Before the announcement, bitcoin was trading around $19,350. Bitcoin prices spiked to $20,590 within an hour of the announcement. This is the imtoken 官网. The current price is $18,083, which marks a 13.64% drop in the last 24 hours.

Ethereum: The price of Ethereum, which was around $1,438 before the news, peaked at $1,562 less than an hour after the news. Currently, its price is $1,289, down 19.54% in the past 24 hours.

Binance: The price of Binance was around $322 before the announcement, peaking at $385 less than an hour later. The current price is 316, down 7.86%

Solana: Solana was trading around $27.69 before the announcement and peaked at $31.29 shortly after the announcement. It currently stands at $23.97, down 25.78 per cent in the past 24 hours.

FTT: FTT was trading at $14.98 before news of the acquisition. Soon after, the stock soared to $19.33. FTT is currently trading at $4.50, according to CoinMarketCap.

Dogecoin: The price of Dogecoin fell from 0.099 to 0.1088 after the announcement. It is currently trading at 0.088, down 24.55% in the last 24 hours.

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