What are the conditions for dogs to participate in the competition?

What are the conditions for dogs to participate in the competition? For example, Samoyed, Big Barr, Bomei, etc. Understand, I have the experience of the game.

1 thought on “What are the conditions for dogs to participate in the competition?”

  1. It is roughly divided into three categories: Pet Quality, Show Quality, Champion Quality Pets (Pet Quality) ——– to have some physiological defects or physical structures in some of them. Disadvantages cannot participate in the game. SHOW Quality ——- refers to dogs that have no physiological defects, and the physical structure is basically in line with standards that can participate in the competition. Champion Quality —– refers to dogs that can participate in the competition and have high quality and win competition. Of course, it is not that the race and champion levels cannot be used as pets. On the contrary, the competition and champion level should be better pets, because they are relatively superior in appearance, IQ and personality. Basically, only the so-called Show Quality (PET) of the so-called Show Quality

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