Pet cats can feed cat food and meat in daily feeding, but foods that cannot be feeded by people, especially foods that add spices and seasonings. Cats are meat animals. Some foods that are harmless to humans are fatal toxicity for cats, such as onions, lilies, etc.; In addition, its metabolic capabilities are different from humans. Metabolism, but cats may increase the load of the kidneys. It is recommended to eat less or cat food, which can ensure its health, and use food for kittens to eat food, such as the bad habits that cause them to begging or stealing food. Cats belong to cats, including cats and wild cats. They are relatively wide pets around the world. The ancestors of the family cats are speculated that they are desert cats that originated in ancient Egypt. Persian Persian cats have been domesticated by humans for 3,500 years (but they have not been completely domesticated like dogs). General cats: round heads, short faces, five fingers in the forelimb, the hind limbs, and the toe with sharp and curved claws. Nights. Most of them can climb the trees by hiding other animals in an ambush. There is a fat meat pad at the bottom of the cat’s toe, so as not to make a sound when walking, and it will not start running the mouse when hunting. When traveling, the paws are in a contraction state to prevent the claws from being blunt, and it will extend when the mouse catcher and rock climbing.
Chicken, beef, pork, fish, eggs, oats, radish, broccoli, green vegetables, etc. But during the cooking process, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, pepper, chili, green onion, onion and other condiments can not be added, so as not to cause allergies, diarrhea or poisoning. People who have added flavoring products should not be fed for cats. The cooking method is to cook the food with water, eliminate the bones and fishbone in meat foods, and then feed the cat.
Pet cats can feed cat food and meat in daily feeding, but foods that cannot be feeded by people, especially foods that add spices and seasonings. Cats are meat animals. Some foods that are harmless to humans are fatal toxicity for cats, such as onions, lilies, etc.; In addition, its metabolic capabilities are different from humans. Metabolism, but cats may increase the load of the kidneys.
It is recommended to eat less or cat food, which can ensure its health, and use food for kittens to eat food, such as the bad habits that cause them to begging or stealing food. Cats belong to cats, including cats and wild cats. They are relatively wide pets around the world. The ancestors of the family cats are speculated that they are desert cats that originated in ancient Egypt. Persian Persian cats have been domesticated by humans for 3,500 years (but they have not been completely domesticated like dogs). General cats: round heads, short faces, five fingers in the forelimb, the hind limbs, and the toe with sharp and curved claws. Nights. Most of them can climb the trees by hiding other animals in an ambush. There is a fat meat pad at the bottom of the cat’s toe, so as not to make a sound when walking, and it will not start running the mouse when hunting. When traveling, the paws are in a contraction state to prevent the claws from being blunt, and it will extend when the mouse catcher and rock climbing.
Chicken, beef, pork, fish, eggs, oats, radish, broccoli, green vegetables, etc.
But during the cooking process, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, pepper, chili, green onion, onion and other condiments can not be added, so as not to cause allergies, diarrhea or poisoning. People who have added flavoring products should not be fed for cats.
The cooking method is to cook the food with water, eliminate the bones and fishbone in meat foods, and then feed the cat.