5 thoughts on “Do you think cats and dogs should be treated after death?”

  1. It must be buried, because the kittens and puppies have life, and even if they die, they should be buried like us so that they died.

  2. To bury. Because cats and dogs are good friends of human beings, it accompanies us with its own life, we are all of them. It gives us their lives, we should give them the end of the elderly, and we should let them enter the ground.

  3. What we want, cats and dogs are the best friends of our human beings. Although they are all animals, we will be buried since ancient times.

  4. It should be buried, because they are also a small life. In order to show respect for them, I think they should be buried after they die.

  5. If you have deep feelings for cats and dogs, you can bury them, but if you have no feelings for them, you can choose to throw them away.

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