5 thoughts on “What is the harm of dogs and leftovers and leftovers?”

  1. Many people like to eat some leftovers and leftovers for dogs when raising dogs, especially some people in rural areas will not specifically buy dog ​​food for dogs when raising dogs. If my brother often eats leftovers at home, the leftovers are very bad for the body, which may cause the dog to lose hair, and it will have a lot of damage to the body. Today, I will tell you that dogs often eat leftovers and leftovers. What is the harm to the body?
    . It is easy to get sick.
    Musting can only eat nutrition in daily life. It is not just a simple meal. It also eats some fruits and snacks and many different drinks. But if the owner only gives the dog leftovers leftovers, the dog will not eat other things. Even drinking water can only drink boiled water without any nutrition, so it may cause the dog’s body to be nutritious in the body. Balanced and sick. It is impossible to cause malnutrition or excessive obesity. And the meals that the general owner eats is relatively salty. Dogs cannot eat more food for salt people to eat more fate for dogs. If the dog eats too long, it will cause the dog to lose hair loss of hair loss. Essence
    . The gastrointestinal problems of the dogs that will cause the dogs
    This dogs will not suck small and gorgeous when they eat, but they swallowed, especially when they are hungry, even if they are hungry. It will also eat without hesitation. If the owner always gives the dog for some leftovers and leftovers overnight, it will easily lead to gastrointestinal diseases in the dog. Especially in the summer, food is particularly easy to deteriorate. After the dogs eat, gastroenteritis is prone to occur. In severe cases, food poisoning will occur.
    . It is not good for the dog’s teeth
    dog food is relatively hard for dogs and can help dogs grind teeth, but the general identity is soft, and the dogs are eating In the process, the teeth cannot be rubbed at all, and a large amount of food residues will still stay on the surface of the ancient country to form calculus, which is very harmful to the health of the dog’s teeth. Therefore, if you really love dogs in daily life, do not give the dogs for leftovers. It is best to buy healthy dog ​​food for the dogs.

  2. Dogs eating spoiled foods may cause gastroenteritis and severe food poisoning. There are inevitably many dogs that can be eaten in the leftovers, such as: garlic, celery, onion, sharp bones, etc. These ingredients are all dogs that dogs cannot eat. Even dyspnea leads to suffocation. Human foods are usually delicious. If dogs often eat leftovers and leftovers, their mouths will be very stingy, and they will slowly develop bad problems of picky food. Without its appetite, it will not eat or drink.

  3. It is very harmful to your body and will reduce your body quality. It will also cause some chronic diseases in the body. It may also lead to some infectious diseases. It will also lead to very weak physical fitness. Because dogs may be sick, they may be sick and transmitted to the owner.

  4. It is actually not harmful to their bodies, because dogs usually eat leftovers and leftovers. After the dogs eat leftovers and leftovers, they can also be particularly healthy, because the dog’s stomach is better.

  5. It will damage the dog’s stomach, affect the metabolism of the body, reduce the body’s body immunity, may affect the life of the dog, and it will also cause hair removal.

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